It can be tough to know what all of them do and how to use them. Some will be familiar; others may be new to you. For best results, open up Premiere, create a blank project with some scrap clips and try these effects as we go. Extract — Extract is a cool effect that makes clips greyscale.
Levels — Levels is a versatile effect that combines a handful of image correction functions. It allows you to adjust the brightness and contrast of a clip. It also combines the functions of the brightness, contrast, color balance, gamma correction and invert effects. Lighting effects — Lighting Effects add up to five lights in a single instance of the effect. The available light options include a spotlight, a directional light and an omni all directions light.
They can be handy in scenes where you need to animate a light or apply creative color correction. ProcAmp — Professional broadcasters generally use video processing amplifiers to process SD and HD signals and change or clean up real-time signal parameters. You can use the camera blur effect to bring a subject into or out of focus.
Directional blur effect — Adobe Premiere Pro editors use this blur effect to simulate motion by creating blurs that appear directional in nature. Gaussian blur effect — The Gaussian blur effect softens, blurs and cleans up image noise. This blur, like most, is particularly handy in conjunction with feathered masks. In its options, you can choose whether the blur is horizontal, vertical or both.
You can also set the amount of blurriness. Reduce Interlace Flicker — this effect is handy if you ever find yourself working with interlaced footage. Because of how interlaced footage works, interlace flicker can appear, leading to distracting and unappealing striping. This effect will reduce this issue from occurring. Invert video effect — The invert video effect inverts the color information of an image. You can also individually invert the Y luminance , I in-phase chrominance and Q quadrature chrominance.
The Corner Pin gives images a pin in each corner. You can manipulate these pins however you wish. Say you need to overlay an image onto a TV screen at an angle. Lens distortion effect — The lens distortion effect does exactly as its name implies. It distorts a clip to simulate a distorted lens.
Magnify — This effect is like a magnifying glass for all or a part of an image, allowing for wild, creative scaling without losing resolution. You can also rotate the mirror image. Spherize — The spherize effect wraps an area of your clip around a virtual sphere. Turbulent displace — The turbulent displace is another effect that will immediately make sense to Adobe After Effects users.
The effect uses fractal noise to create image distortions. There are endless ways you can use it. It can create anything from smooth, flowing images to wacky, animated ones. You can choose settings like the radius and size of the twirl and where the center of the twirl is.
Wave Warp — Thie effect adds waves to your clips. Tip: Try to open the CINEON file using a text-editor such as Notepad, as many file types contain simply contain unformatted plain-text and can viewed correctly using this method.
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Take care! Source Camera Selects the camera or camera type used to shoot your footage. This setting is required in order to apply the correct color correction. Exposure Performs an adjustment prior to the film emulation being applied. Temp Adjusts the color temperature. This assumes that the clip temp is daylight. Moving the slider to the left makes the scene cooler. Moving to the right makes it warmer.
Note for RED footage. You should apply our metadata preset in the Adobe provided Source Settings interface. This preset merely resets all metadata settings to their default, thereby giving FilmConvert a known starting point for color adjustments. Convert To drop down Selects the particular film stock to be emulated. Size drop down Selects the negative size to emulate. Smaller values such as 8mm are fuzzier with larger grain.
Larger values have smaller grain. Film Color slider Adjusts the balance between the original digital camera color palette, and the film color palette. Curve slider This control allows you to reduce changes in luminosity, so that the original exposure of the digital footage is preserved. Setting the slider to 0 with the color slider at will give you the hue and saturation of the film stock, with no change to the luminosity.
Grain slider Adjusts the amount of grain applied to the image. Some stocks have more grain - such as D Shadows, midtones, and highlights This is a standard color corrector, any adjustments made will affect the image in the following ways:. Color wheels The 3 wheels adjust the color of the shadows, midtones, and highlights. Drag the white knob around the circle to add color. Sliders The sliders adjust the image by adding or removing brightness in the manner described above.
Adjustments happen before the color wheel adjustment - so you can use these sliders to control how much of the image is in the upper highlight area before applying the color cast to it. Graph shows the relative amount of luminosity in each color band.