An all-new suspension was designed to offer the the full range of adjustments; caster, camber, and toe-in, yet be very user-friendly and easy to build using our supplied "setup gauge. Optional gears offer a wide range of usable ratios for tuning to any size race track. We also used Kimbrough spur gears in all kits. We looked to the full-size race car teams for a brake pad material that would provide consistent, fade-free braking, and a floating carbon-steel rotor for durability.
The Nitro TC3 is the only nitro touring car that accommodates either pull-start, side exhaust, or rear-exhaust engines, both slide-valve or rotary carburetors, and your choice of flat-pack, hump-pack or dry-cell receiver battery configurations. So no matter what your power preferences are, the Nitro TC3 can handle them.
The newest versions of the Nitro TC3 feature a revised rear suspension dubbed "ver. In the previous version of the rear suspension, if your car was hit hard in the rear, sometimes the toe links would pop off or the turnbuckles would move in the ball cups.
This new setup eliminates the rear toe links. Attaching the turnbuckles to the hubs and tower by screws strengthens the setup, and provides a wider range of adjustments.
The previous design only had two positions for the upper arm. Now there are three positions and the hub carrier upper ball joint can be adjusted vertically.
The use of the lower pivot balls on the hub means toe and track are adjusted by one or both of the pivot balls. MyLaps RC4 3-wire Transponder. Washers, 7. Servo Washers, black aluminum. FT Body Reamer. Ballstud Washers, 5. Bulkhead Washers, 7. FT Aluminum Wing Buttons. MyLaps Transponder Holder. Spur Gear, 66T 48Pitch. FT Thread Locking Adhesive, blue. Body Clips, metallic blue, short. FT Battery Strap Thumbscrews. Inferno MP7. Javelin - Manual - 2. Landjump Integra - Manual - MP - Manual - 6.
MP SP1 - Manual - MP SP2 - Manual - MP9 - Exploded View - 2. MP9 - Manual - MP9 - Parts List - 2. MP9 - Setting Guide - 1. TR - Exploded View - TR - Parts List - TR - Quick Start Guide - 1.
TR Buggy - Manual - 8. TR Stadium Force - Manual - 8. Turbo Optima - Manual - Turbo Optima Mid - Manual - Vanning - Manual - Team Losi. There are 4 files, weighing