Overview Support Information Comparison Chart. Plot a Variety of Graphs In addition to the plotting of standard graphs, such as a Y Graph, the inclusion of implicit function graph plotting CONICS and a dynamic graph application that can plot changing parameters DYNA realize the capabilities to plot a wide range of graphs. Take Your Learning to the Next Level The inclusion of advanced statistics functions, such as test, interval and distribution, and financial calculation functions TVM , allows you to take your learning to the next level.
Direct projector connection All you need are the fxGII and a data projector Compatibility with Casio data projectors enables the fxGII's display to be easily projected up onto a screen. Learn more. Data logger connection A variety of experimental data valuable in classes can be extracted through the connected sensor. Quote from: critor on September 08, , pm.
I don't want to blame anyone here, but I updated the fxRemote package to build 26 includes additional debug output some time ago plus OS 2. Quote from: cfxm on September 11, , pm. Did you dump it? No OS 2. Code: [Select]. Pages: [ 1 ] Go Up. SMF 2. Read times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. And what about the fxGII? Casio has simply never released any update installer for this model. So the ROM can perfectly be reflashed with a new OS and Casio just didn't bother to develop an update installer for this entry-level model.
Therefore, it is impossible to update officially. This is not the hack, but the hack needs the same tools. It's just to install the gii OS 2.
Logged TI-Planet co-admin. FOr me, that means they are counting on us to install the updates. So Casio is more or less caring about the community and its works! I was going to ask you if you had found out 2. The tutorial is only about the update process. But so, what do you want? A public link to your package with the ROMs in the tutorial? I'm not sure it's a good idea No problem if I have your permission.
But I'm not sure it's a good idea either As soon as they run out of these, they will most certainly update the OS to 2. I want nothing. It was just a comment.