Try sending email from another app or device: If you have another email app or another computer or mobile device, try sending and receiving email from that app or device. Check with your email provider about the status of your email server: If your email provider doesn't have a website and you can't set up your email on another app or device, contact your email provider to see if your email server is accessible.
Firewalls and antivirus software might prevent you from syncing your email and calendar events. Although we don't recommend permanently turning off security software, temporarily turning off the software will let you determine if it is preventing you from syncing your email or calendar events. Note: If your device is connected to a network, your network policy settings might prevent you from completing these steps. For more information, contact your administrator. Windows Defender Security Center is free security software that's included with Windows If you haven't installed alternative security software, you should temporarily turn off Windows Defender Security Center.
Choose a network profile and turn off Windows Firewall for that profile. Repeat this step for each profile. If you can now sync your email, you'll need to allow the Mail and Calendar apps through the firewall.
Follow the steps below. If you can sync your email when the firewall is turned off, you'll need to allow the Mail and Calendar apps through the firewall. In the list of allowed apps and features, select the check box next to Mail and Calendar, and select the check boxes in the Private and Public columns.
Third-party firewalls or antivirus software might prevent you from syncing your email and calendar events. Check the software documentation to learn how to temporarily turn it off. WARNING: If you disable your antivirus software, don't open any email attachments or click any links in messages from people you don't know. In some cases, you can resolve sync issues by removing your account from the Mail and Calendar apps and adding it again.
Go to Start and open Mail. At the bottom of the left navigation pane, select. Select the account your want to remove, and select Delete account from this device. Add the account again. For more information, see Set up email in Mail for Windows Note: There are special instructions for Yahoo! Mail, iCloud, and QQ accounts. If you're having problems with one of these accounts, see Special instructions for other accounts.
If you still can't sync your email after removing your account and adding it again, you might need to add the account using advanced setup. For more information, see Add an account using advanced setup. If you have a Google, Yahoo!
Mail, iCloud, IMAP, or POP3 account, check the settings in the advanced mailbox settings to make sure they're configured to your email provider's specification. If you're using an Outlook. Before checking your advanced settings, you'll need to look on your email provider's website, or contact your email provider, to determine the correct server settings. You'll need the following information:.
If the username and password are different, make sure you have the correct username and password. Unselect the check box next to Outgoing server requires authentication if your provider doesn't require authentication.
I set up a icloud 6 years ago under a fake name and just called apple to unlock it. Of course eventho i didnt remember the name I used i remeber the answers because I did set up the account. Is there not another way to reset the password? So please does anyone know how to access just the iCloud mail alone? Sucks when you forget the answers. I have fibromyalgia and have short term memory or brain fog a lot.
I totally dont remember my answer to questions it should give you option to send to different email adress would help. I believe an Apple ID is not enough. You must use your iCloud account to sign in on an Apple device at least once. You will not have access to most features until then. Even if for only 2 minutes — but an Apple device it must be. Name required. Mail will not be published required. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited.
Enjoy this tip? Subscribe to our newsletter! Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Bartholemew Jr. August 20, at am. Paul says:. Vaggelis Moustakas says:. July 8, at am. Be aware of the limitations. Remember that using this method with your POP, or Post office Protocol account, will only access the messages that you have received since the last time you checked your account.
Method 2. Gather your account information. Create a new account. Simply input the above names and information in any one of the IMAP compatible programs listed in Step 1. The following Steps will walk you through the process of setting up your account on Outlook Go to Account Settings. You can do this by starting Outlook then by clicking Info in the File Menu. Go to the E-mail Tab. Click New then select E-mail Account. Once completed, click next. You can find this in the Server Information section.
Input your information. Finishing up. After you select Next and then Finish, you may now access your message on Outlook. Delete the account from the program when you leave.
Because this is not your computer, you will want to delete your account information so that others cannot access your e-mail. Go to source. Method 3. Sign onto your Gmail account. If you do not already have one, you can easily set one up quickly and for free. Access your Account Settings menu. Look in the upper corner of your Gmail account and click the cog icon.
Click on the option for Settings. Click on the Accounts tab. This will prompt a new window to appear where you may input your account information. Enter your e-mail address. This should be the e-mail address for your POP3 account and not your Gmail account.
Once you have entered your e-mail address, click Next Step. Enter your username. Your username will usually include the domain. For example joe domain. Enter your password. This will be the password for your POP3 account and not the password for you Gmail account. Set the POP Server. This will usually look something like mail. Check that the Port is set to This is the default non-encrypted port for POP3. Click Add Account. This can be found at the bottom of the screen.
Access your messages. You will now be able to access the e-mails from your POP3 account. Method 4. Click Account Settings.