Cms tutorial php mysql pdf

As there are both front-end and back-end section needs to be implemented. So first we will handle functionality to display articles at the front end. First we will create MySQL and tables to use with the content management system. In Database. We will create Articles. We will create function getArticles to get the posts details and result. In index. We will display only first word from article with read more button to display full article when click read more.

In view. We will implement CMS back end section with user login to manage users, categories and posts or articles. We will handle user login functionality by calling user method login and redirect to Dashboard if successful login. In this section, we will handle functionality to create new user, edit details and delete user.

In users. We will make ajax request with action userListing to load user listing into datatables. It posts to either admin. It also contains a hidden field, articleId , to track the ID of the article being edited if any. The form also includes an area for error messages, as well as fields for the article title, summary, content, and publication date. Finally, there are 2 buttons for saving and cancelling changes, and a link to allow the admin to delete the currently-edited article.

Save this file as style. Suffice to say, it styles things like the page layout, colours, fonts, forms, tables and so on. Last, but not least, our site needs a logo. Then try browsing them on the front end click the logo to return to the homepage. While this CMS is pretty basic, it has hopefully given you a starting point for building your own CMS-driven websites. Some features you might want to add include:. Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by output started at C:xampphtdocs……….

Thanks for the reply. I removed a space below the ending php tags in the config file, but it is still throwing the same error. Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by output started at C:xampphtdocslumbercmsconfig. Your config. Not sure if your session will work then it might. Started with a fresh install and there are no errors. However sessions seem glitchy. For example after logging in I will log out and be taken to the admin homepage to add a new article, but if I click to add new article it will take me to the login form.

If I click site admin without logging in I will be redirected to the admin home page again. You can find the session folder with:. Hi, I found this really useful and easy to understand so congrats. However, when I try to click on the site admin to login I get an error message.

The error message reads:. What an awesome creation. Simple, and a fantastic learning device for designers who are new to PHP, like myself.

Tried deploying this source code in PHP 5. I started off with the code that you originally said and found it gave the error undefined index action on line 6 twice and line 11 when I clicked on the log in button.

When I added in isset it gave me the previous error. I tried your code which I assume was the same as in the tutorial and still get the undefined index error.

A workaround is to exclude notices from your error reporting — add this to the top of your admin. Did you change the timezone after creating some articles? If so then the articles would have been saved using the old timezone but their dates are being read using the new timezone, which might explain the difference. The next step would be to look at your MySQL table using the mysql tool or phpMyAdmin to see if the dates are in the article records or not.

Great script , one of the most useful things I could ever imagine to use outside of a forum source. So as return I came here clicked ads on purpose, and was just wondering if you thought of developing a comment page to go with, as in after the user views the article he or she could comment on it.

I am currently in this very progress only on localhost though, but thanks for the source and your time sir, keep up the good work and God bless. Thanks for the suggestion. In all honesty I hate WordPress , and cannot stand how popular it is same reason I do not own a. Just everything is so mainstream [I rather stick out] I just find if there was a basic underground script that could function as well as the giant WordPress and even got more ideas for just this script….

Optional Registration This allows user s to suggest polls always be logged in and change the theme. Daniel: Thanks for your additional ideas. If you need more help with creating multiple tabs categories? Instead of January to appear Januar, and so on…. Thanks matt! Found it a bit tricky extrapolating the php. Any help is really appreciated. Then your markup would be:. The image filename is of course a string. Does that seem ok? Make sure the username, password, and database name in the script exactly match those in your MySQL database.

Also make sure that you have created the MySQL user and password correctly, and given the user permission to read and modify your articles table. I created the database and the schema, but when I try to add the Schema into mysql I get this error message:. First, thank for make a good tutorial for the beginner. You did great thing. So this is the point. I can retrieve the data from database and pagination the data.

Here is the some problem. I got a umlimited subcategories class and it work very well. When i want to expand the functionality of your schema, the same problem came again. I have no idea how to do. Because I have same problem with other cms and do not have problem with other else such as Datalife Engine or other Popular cms. Looks like you have magic quotes enabled — turn the feature off:. This is the case in Mozilla 4, and Google Chrome ChrisJ: No problem! Just tested using Chrome Have you tried looking in your browser error consoles?

This tutorial is of great help for me. This CMS swallows all umlauts, in text and in title. How to keep the umlauts?

The solution is: 1. Gerhard: Thanks for your solution. I forgot to allow for accented characters in the regular expression. Good catch! The posts are in reverse date order newest first. What do you think of securing config. Could someone tell me how much of this I would have to change if I were to do the tutorial on a Windows machine? This tutorial should be recommended to anyone who wants to work with WordPress or any php-based CMS, as it is a simplified example of how such a system works.

It is excellent — definitely worth the money. Everything is explained in simple to understand terms and the books covers the right amount of subjects for anyone starting out in PHP coding. When I post an exterior link in the content of an article, it wraps the domain with and slaps the local domain on the links as well.

Any suggestions? Hi Matt. Now my request. First, I soon will need to paginate by years, from y Could you help? So many thanks. I might write a follow-up article on pagination and other topics however. If you have specific questions on securing websites, please post a new topic here:.

Matt: Thanks for the reply. Perhaps it is because I have the cms currently installed in a subfolder of a directory that is a root for a WordPress install. I used the cms with an addon domain. Is that known to cause problems? Should I host them on separate hosting accounts? Perhaps I should put them both in a separate subdirectory and point to each using an addon domain so one is not under the other.

OK matt. Same for security. Thanks again. Hi Matt, I just wanted to say that I would also appreciate if you did a piece on pagination for this cms. That was a splendiferous tutorial and works very well. Does that kind of defeat the entire purpose of the schema or does it really matter too much?

Matt: Finally got around to running the magic quotes test and it returned a 1, which means they are on. Sparkus: Just run stripslashes on the posted content from within Article:storeFormValues. For example not tested! I downloaded your code and followed the tutorial but I must be missing something. Is there something else I need to do? Keep up the good work Matt! Exactly how you do it depends on how you want the CMS to work.

One common way is to have a separate image upload feature that uploads the image to an images folder, then the user adds an img tag within the article, referencing the uploaded image URL. Not sure I understand your second question. You can already create and edit multiple articles using the CMS in the tutorial. I downloaded and follow this code to create a cms.

But I could not use use with another cms template…. Hi, Great job. Indeed a great article. Great article, I have followed everything to the letter, but for some reason when I go to my url I get the following error…. Try adding these lines to the file:. One of which is on the homepage. Additionally, a Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I managed to resolve my previous issue by re-installing php.

However I am now trying to create a line in the header which will use the article ID to create a menu along the top, however I have tried this…. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach in apache2htdocstemplatesincludeheader.

Or for more flexibility, create a constant in config. I must admit, all those errors are due to web server error index. Thanks alot. Problem solved. Thanks for explaining the code step by step.

I have a question possibly stupid. It is possible to have the CMS displayed to the user in a website I already created? Like inside a specific div on a page instead of having its own page? What I tried was. My trouble is I am using it to take notes on my web site development lessons. Secondly, has anyone sorted out the use of hash to mask passowords.

Thanks Rog. It does this already using an HTML5 placeholder though you need to have a browser that supports placeholders. This hash is always the same for any given string. So you first hash the password you want to use, and the store the resulting hash string in a variable in config. Then when the admin attempts to log in, you pass their supplied password through hash.

It is impossible or at least very, very, very hard to work out the original plain-text password from the hash. I see what you are saying. I will try out your solution as that does make a lot of sense. I have everything up and running, and have even restyled everything to fit in to my current site, however, when I save an article, anywhere quotations are use, I get something that looks like the following. Everytime I edit the article, more are added.

It automatically breaks any link or IMG tag as well. I had a similar problem and that solved it. So I figured out the problem with the error I messed up a few links , but I am still having a difficult time figuring out why my articles are not appearing in the homepage or archive.

I checked my MySQL database and everything seems to be in there and they also appear in the listArticles page. Actually I finally figured it out, I had been directing to the wrong page. It was a very obvious mistake that took way too long to figure out. Hi, I followed your article this morning, and really enjoyed it. Everything was so well explained. Hi, I figured it out. But when you look at the initial summary page it says it is running PHP5. Thanks if anyone looked into this for me. Great tutorial!

Understood everything, but i think there is something missing! I have just followed your marvelous tutorial and have got it working on my localhost mysql. Thank you so much for a beautifully concise and clear explanation of what is involved. I would like to be able to schedule when my articles appear on the homepage. I believe I need to add two more fields to the cms articles table: pubstart and pubend, which I should then get from the mysql cms database and use in the homepage.

Am I on the right track? But I am not sure how to code this. Could you or any of the other forum participants advise me on how to do this? Hi, Very nice tutorial matt. I thing about pagination the articles but for my is not so simple.

Maybe helps of course if you have a moment time. Many thanks. Great tutorial, just quickly browsed through and this is exactly what I am looking for; a simple CMS without any unnecessary clutter that is easy to style, etc. Is there a way to post to separate pages from the backend without creating a separate CMS for each one? For example, on my webpage I would like to create a news page and then a separate page for gig dates, it would be more convenient to then be able to select which page to publish to, as opposed to having to login to separate backend pages.

Then you can compare the 2 properties of the Article object against the value of time to determine whether to display the article or not. You have confirmed what I partially managed to figure out: i. I am in the process of coding the methods to be able to time the display of an article. The role of defining a class which I had not done before in php became much clearer after pondering all this.

AdamBarry: Yes. Then you could modify archive in index. Have you named the fields in your database exactly the same as the fields specified in the Article. Have you specified the field types in your database? Thank you Matt, for this tutorial! I certainly learned a lot from this and I managed to get it al working.

My next step is to try to add an image-upload, like m4xjb. Or is it done some place else in the insert function? I would call it at the point where the article edit form submission is handled e. Where and in which. Beyond of course the ordinary label and id in editArticle.

If you want to add more properties, you will have to add an additional field for that property into your database e. This was great tutorial i liked the way you build your code and also the explanation. It would be very useful to add comment page, if get the time for that. Could you please explain what should be done, if some one want to add a comment page to the cms. That is just my imagination when adding comment class to the our cms, i think the rest of the code would look like the one of the article class.

But i have got a question, should the class Comment be child class of the article some thing like. It would really be appreciated if you try matt to explain it. Thank you very much for your contribution. For example:. Instead, make it a stand-alone class that maps to your comments table in the DB. You can then include Comment.

Out of interest, would you prefer a tutorial showing how to add comments directly in the CMS itself, or a tutorial that shows how to add comments using Facebook, Disqus etc? Which do you prefer? MAtt as you have seen and read i am not the only one who asked that question. It is almost a hot topic here. Your cms is cool and nice that is why people like it. I am respecting your time constraints. I have already tried to add comment class and i did but i think i am not doing it a neat way.

This cms is great work from you respect. But if you add that comment class and as you said categories too, it would be just a complete cms news system. I would like that you add it to this cms.. The username and password I use matches perfectly with the ones I entered on the config. How you set your usernames and passwords in mySQL and the permissions you established e. But, if you are still having a problem, I can delve into this more tomorrow. I am using myPHPadmin through Fatcow web hosting.

Please help I am at a loss. And make sure your cms configure. Still no luck. All my username and password are accurate and so is the host name url. Have you contacted Fatcow. Since you are using the phpMyAdmin through them, they should be able to tell you what is not working.

So it is definitely not a simple thing. I know you are not the only one having these difficulties. Glad you fixed the login problem. How did you solve it? Knowing that will help other folks who might have the same difficulty. What is the code used in line 37?

There is no ; in the code Li. Without seeing your whole editArticle. Thank you for best tutorial, matt. I have installed CKEditor and it shows up. However, it swallows up everything on the page.

How can I prevent that. I still want to separate title, summary, content, and date fields so they can all be inputted separately for the database. Can you post a screenshot somewhere? Sounds like you might have invalid markup, or else you need to configure CKEditor to only enhance your textarea.

First, off this tutorial is great. I am not new to php but new to a project that is this advanced. I tried to alter the code to work with a project I am trying to work on, in an attempt to learn more about php.

However, whenever I try to post a new article, it says changes have been saved , while my database remains untouched. Other files have been updated accordingly.

Like I said, I get no error and everything seems to be working fine. I know I missed something somewhere. I am getting frustrated as no matter what I do to try and seperate the form elements everything populates inside ckeditor.

Even the page title the logged in as everything within the content area of the page populates inside the ckeditor. So why the problem is on line if we have the exact same code on line 84? But now, I cannot retrieve the data. For instance, in listArticle. Am I trying to retrieve the data right?

It was a markup confusion. And I tested the CKEditor and it saves the data into my database just fine; its just not pulling it and displaying it anywhere in the site. Hi, I solved my previous issue. I was wrongly calling listArticles. Thanks for the tip I checked all of that again that you suggested and everything matches. I have checked and checked again all the code that retrieves data and I cannot find any errors. In phpGrid, we…. CodeProject , Examples. Download from GitHub Introduction We will learn how to build a fully functional, single-page database content administration system using phpGrid and other PHP components with a minimum amount of code.

Design Our application will have a list of database schemas and tables on the left side — the sidebar — and a database table on the main screen — the main. PHP is the most popular server-side scripting language for creating dynamic web pages. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a very popular and widely-used open source server-side scripting language to write dynamically generated web pages. The current major version of PHP is 7. All of the code in this tutorial has been tested and validated against the most recent release of PHP 7.

David Carr. A few people have asked me for links for tutorials on making a cms or have asked me to write one, so I've put together a tutorial on making a cms from the very beginning. The cms will be really simple all it will consist of is pages that are completely database driven that you can edit existing pages and create new pages. Download source files. Before I do anything I like to put the structure together the following image shows all the files and folders.

Notice the image folder is empty, to keep things simple I've not included any images as you'll be using your own images anyway. Also setup. A Content Management System. This tutorial is an update of the existing tutorial on how to create a very simple news site using php and mysql.

The aim of this tutorial is to help you understand some basic concepts when using php and mysql. But need to know Programming in Php, First of need to learn Programming, then you will easily manage it. If you need that you can download this template below. Once you complete the course then you will able to develop any type of web-based application. Above All about creating a content management system in php Concept, I hope the video is very helpful and beneficial to you.

If you have face any problem feels free to contact me.


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