Daddy lost me in a poker game

All her friends and future boyfriends will see her party-girl whore-shots. Your boyfriend doesn't give a crap about you, unless your into the swinger style, I can't think of a single guy I know who would be cool with their girlfriend playing strip poker, her getting naked, and having his friends take pictures of her.

I would never want my girlfriend to play strip poker, or would I want a bunch of guys take pictures of her naked. Blondemaureen Xper 3. He probably thought it would be hot initially. Lots of guys are like that. He will be fine. You should not have gotten naked in front of a bunch of your boyfriend's friends wtf were you thinking? You need a different partner Eh, he'll get over it. Maybe he wanted to show off his gorgeous girlfriend JennieF 1. I've done that a number of times.

I sort of enjoy it. Show All Show Less. Well do you have a bush? He might have been embarrassed around his friends about that. KrisPW Xper 7. Not your fault BennyClark Xper 4. No, you play strip poker whenever you like. Related myTakes.

All of them. The importance of religion for successful people. Most Helpful Opinion mho Rate. Learn more. Yes No. I dropped my top on the kitty. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Even though I was doing a pretty good job distracting the other players, Daddy was still losing his shirt. Big Joe sat across from him, looking smug and mean. Worse, he kept looking at me in ways that distracted me. I was dressed to thrill to help Daddy win.

My long dark-red hair flowed down my back in silky waves. My top was black, snug, and low cut, as well as being midriff baring to show off my diamond navel ring and killer abs. My tight red mini-skirt rode low on my hips really, just inches above my mound and was super short and stretchy. My legs were bare, stuffed into black thigh boots with four and a half in stilettos and spurs.

Besides the spurs, I accessorized with a red satin choker, chandelier earrings, and lots of silver and gold bangles. All very shiny.

Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Explore Ebooks. Bestsellers Editors' Picks All Ebooks. She approached him, and after a few drinks he propositioned her. They went into the bathroom and had sex. Just before unmasking at midnight, the wife slipped away and went home. She was sitting up in bed when her husband returned.

She asked about his night. When I got there, I saw the guys and we went into the spare room and played poker all night. He apparently had the night of his life. Last updated: 27 October Sources: Brunvand, Jan Harold. Broiled Again! New York: W. Norton, ISBN p.


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