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Flagging a list will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review. We take abuse seriously in our book lists. Only flag lists that clearly need our attention. As a general rule we do not censor any content on the site. The only content we will consider removing is spam, slanderous attacks on other members, or extremely offensive content eg. We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or for being critical of a book.

Tags: amazon , amazon-com , buy , cheap-ebooks , ebook , ebooks , fantasy , fiction , free , free-ebooks , kindle , non-fiction , nook , paranormal , young-adult.

Jessica The Psychotic Nerd books friends. Caroline McMaster books friends. Misty books 44 friends. Diane books 1 friend. Tegan books 42 friends.

Cara books 14 friends. Juan books 22 friends. Post a comment ». Sep 13, PM. Thanks for creating this list - I'm new to e-reading, but most of these were still free and others free to borrow with Amazon Prime. I've put a bunch of them on my list! Jan 12, PM. Feb 26, PM. OMG I definitely gotta check these;D. Mar 13, AM. Where can I download these books? Go to Amazon. If you don't have a Kindle, the Kindle app is available for almost every electronic device out there ipod, android phones, computers.

Just watch, as the "free" status does change on some of them it's pretty clearly marked if you look. Apr 13, AM. Insurgent was once free on amazon? It might have been, but i'm not the one who added that to the list so i'm not sure Apr 13, PM. Does this work on Kobo as well?

It might work for some of them, not sure if all of them will work though. Okay thanks! Apr 14, AM. I was just amazed that Insurgent was once a free book :p. May 09, AM. May 27, AM. Enjoy :. Jul 01, AM. Oct 02, AM. Dec 03, AM. Thank you! Dec 08, PM. Jan 02, PM. The on this page is the best books there could be and that is why I like to read the books and I hope other will too well that is it bye for now. Lia wrote: "hi!

This is cool. Feb 04, PM. Thanks so much for this list! I've managed to find quite a few free books through browsing Amazon's Kindle store's free page and Kindle Nation Daily, but still haven't seen half of these. I found quite a few books I want to read on here, and haven't even made it through half the list. Mar 16, PM. Nakalagay po kasi I want to read eh!! May 16, AM. Aug 26, PM. This needs to be updated; many of the books i searched off this list on my nook are NOT free. Aug 27, AM.

I, personally, cannot update this myself, as many people have taken part in this list. Also, keep in mind that prices change very very often.

Some of these books may become free again in just a few hours. A lot of these are also based on amazon. Dec 06, AM. Most of these are free on Google books too. Feb 17, PM. Feb 29, PM. If you'll notice almost all the books are " 1". You have to pay for the rest of the series. Marketing at its finest. Mar 04, AM. Matt wrote: "If you'll notice almost all the books are " 1". Mar 23, AM. I want to read books online for free on this website you should do that.

Jul 30, AM. Akira wrote: "Matt wrote: "If you'll notice almost all the books are " 1". Its also available on the other "book reading apps" like for example if you dont have a kindle you can download the app on your device It also works for Google books :.

Nov 30, AM. I mean how the hell are they free. Nov 30, PM. Radhika wrote: "i thought they were free to read I mean how the hell are they free" They are free on Amazon.

Feb 18, AM. Jul 25, AM. Thanks in Advance. Feb 16, PM. I went through and deleted books that weren't free on Amazon for everyone, meaning I also deleted books that used the Amazon unlimited process.

Add a reference: Book Author. Search for a book to add a reference. We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards. Only flag comments that clearly need our attention. We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or being critical of a particular book.

Add books from: My Books or a Search. Related News. Look, we know there's a lot of pressure when it comes to picking a book for your book club. You'll need to please a lot of different types of Read more Friends Votes.

How to Vote To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. Report this list. Spam This list contains spam. Self-Promotional This list is self-promotional. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Want to Read saving… Error rating book. The Soulkeepers The Soulkeepers, 1 by G.

Ching Goodreads Author 3. Shreffler Goodreads Author 3.


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