Abstract The main objective of the article is to present some of the historical aspects about the relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the denominated "human rights". The Church, one of the institutions that most felt the impacts of the rise and the consolidation of the modern liberal state, since not only its doctrine was opposed, but also and especially its temporal power, initially posited itself in a very critical way related to the "new rights" that were arising, opposed to a worldview marked particularly by the notion that the social order should politically and judicially reflect the divine order.
Analyzing some works written in the immediate period of the French Revolution and some papal documents of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it is possible to observe that, since the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of until the pontificate of John XXIII, new interpretations of human rights have emerged, which was one of the fundamental points for the Church begin to dialogue with political modernity.
With this in view, the article will, firstly, address the philosophical roots of subjective law from a long-term perspective, the fundamental basis of the right to freedom of conscience and the context of the emergence of the liberal state. Secondly, the relations between Catholicism and the human rights, antagonisms and approximations, starting from an analysis of the magisterial documents and also from works of Catholic theologians who already at that time sought bridges between their articles and some points of Christian doctrine.
Key words: Roman Catholic Church. Modern humanism. Liberal state. Human rights. The period between and , during the Estado Novo, the Church has The period between and , during the Estado Novo, the Church has undergone significant changes, among them, its restoration project. In this political context the religious institution is threatened by the advances of modernity, in which the journal becomes an important weapon in its fight.
The moral question becomes one of the main ocus, leading the Church to position in order to confront the moderns values which corrupted and sickened a moral doctrine already established, bringing all kinds of vices and sins.
Church History. Leuven: Peeters, , p more. Belo Horizonte. Horizonte v. Roman Catholicism and Catholic Church History. Coetus Internationalis Patrum. Concilio Vaticano II. Marcel Lefebvre. Antonio de Castro Mayer. Breve introduzione alla storia del Brasile. La storiografia salesiana tra studi e documentazione nella stagione postconciliare.
Roma: Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, , v. Curitiba: UFPR, , v. Recife: UFPE, , v. Fifty years ago the major religious event of the XX century succeeded: the Second Vatican Council Keywords: Second Vatican Council. Secularization , Laicidade Do Estado , and Laicidade. Brazilian Church History and Conservative Catholic.
Church History and Second Vatican Council. Since the 19th century Catholicism has been marked by internal divisions arising from the pastoral demands of how the Catholic Church should position itself and deal with the new challenges launched by modern times. Some people understood Some people understood that the Catholic Church was supposed to evolve with modern times and open itself to new perspectives related to the modern project.
Others denied any possibility of dialogue with the modern times and believed that modern values would encourage scepticism and anti Christianity, defending also the excommunication of those who deviate from orthodoxy. The Second Vatican Council can be understood as a symbolic-normative battle field, in which two divergent positions are in continuous confrontation.
This article aims to briefly present the opinions of two Brazilian conservative Bishops in the Council: D. For this purpose, the main points made by the Bishops at the Conciliar Assembly, will be outlined. Therefore, the focus of the article will be on the more controversial themes discussed at that time, such as religious freedom, liturgy and hierarchical Church organization. The historiographical studies on the Second Vatican Council , the biggest event of Christianity in the twentieth century, still take their first steps in Brazil.
Theology and History of Vatican II. Publisher: revistas. Book Reviews. Leuven: Peeters, , p. Religion without God. Cambridge: Harvard Univsersity Press, more. Philosophy Of Law and Ronald Dworkin. BUX, Nicola. La riforma di Benedetto XVI: la liturgia tra innovazione e tradizione.
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