Drug and alcohol counselor programs los angeles

Addiction is one of the most pressing public health challenges in society today. With nearly 21 million Americans suffering from substance use disorders—a number that is greater than all cancer diagnoses combined—the scope of this challenge is daunting, and there is an urgent need for competent and knowledgeable counselors to enter the field. Our program prepares individuals interested in getting started in the field, as well as those already working in it, to identify addiction-related behaviors and help clients find their motivation to change using evidence-based practices.

Students emerge with a comprehensive set of skills to help clients identify and change beliefs and behaviors connected to addiction. Graduates are also trained to counsel clients and families, and participate in treatment planning. UCLA Extension works to ensure students are provided wtih the most current, relevant, and scientifically sound curriculum and training available.

Students participate in a supervised field work practicum, where they not only have the opportunity to put their skills into practice, but are able to contribute to the community while still in school. This free online info session is available November and provides a comprehensive overview of the certificate and its curriculum.

I now have the privilege of doing work that I love through facilitating groups at rehabs in the Los Angeles area and working as a counselor and case manager. Click below to view the required and elective courses, if applicable, for this program. This program begins in Fall quarter.

All prospective certificate candidates must complete an application process prior to enrolling in program courses.

All courses in this program are paid for individually, unless otherwise noted. An application form is required to establish candidacy in this program. From the 'Apply Now' button, complete the online application and pay the application fee if applicable.

The U. This information includes program costs; occupations that the program prepares students to enter; occupational profiles; on time completion rate; and for the most recent award year: the number of students who have completed the program, the number of students who complete the program within the estimated duration, the job placement rate, and the median Title IV and private loan debt incurred by those who complete the program. For gainful employment information for this program, visit our Financial Aid page.

Practical training is offered through fieldwork experience—including an opportunity to participate in a two-quarter Supervised Field Work Practicum course. Both experiential and didactic, this practicum incorporates information learned in prerequisite courses and serves as the capstone experience in the curriculum. Students spend hours in direct agency internship, and complete 18 classroom sessions that utilize role playing, case studies and other exercises to troubleshoot counseling issues.

Students are encouraged to research facilities of interest to them at the beginning of their coursework, and must secure their field work practicum site and complete paperwork prior to enrolling in the Supervised Field Work Practicum course. When it comes to the cycle of addiction, skilled and well-trained substance use disorder counselors make all the difference in the lives of those who struggle with the disease.

This scholarship was created to provide qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue professional careers as addiction counselors. The Zappala family has been personally touched by the devastating effects of addiction and strongly believes in supporting the education of those seeking to help individuals and families overcome addiction, achieve recovery, and return to a healthy way of living.

Thanks to the support of qualified and compassionate counselors, a member of the Zappala family successfully received treatment for addiction, rebuilt a sober life, and later pursued his own career in substance use disorder counseling after completing his certificate in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling at UCLA Extension. In gratitude for that support, the Zappala family offers assistance to those pursuing careers in substance use disorder counseling to ensure that expert counselors are readily available for other families like theirs.

Not only does it provide students with a thorough education and fundamental skillset, it also applies these tools in a real world setting. We hope you'll join us. The courses at LMU Extension are designed to prepare you to apply what you have learned. During the practicum portion of the program, you will demonstrate your "voice" as a SUD Counselor, as well as deepen your knowledge through direct hands-on experience.

This cohort program is designed to provide the tools and skills required to become certified as a Substance Use Disorders counselor in one year. The program provides a total of classroom hours and hours of supervised practicum. Tuition scholarship awards are available depending upon the successful completion of the application, and financial need.

To request an application please email extension lmu. Click here for a search engine to obtain a location of an America's Job Center of California. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act WIOA is a federally funded training and job program, providing workforce investment activities through statewide and local systems.

Authorized workforce investment activities provided at the local level benefit job seekers, dislocated workers, youth, foster care participants, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers.

LMU Extension will work with a variety of programs such as California State Disability, insurance organizations such as for worker's compensation, or other funding sources. To arrange payment through a third-party payor, please email: jobtraining lmu. To be considered for the Thomas P. Pike Fund award you must send a request for an application to extension lmu. If you would like to set up a payment plan please also contact extension lmu.

Click here to review all policies prior to enrollment. If you wish to counsel or provide emotional support to people who are struggling with substance use disorders challenges or are in treatment or recovery. Individuals working in the field find great satisfaction in the work they are performing.

If you are providing counseling in alcohol and other drug recovery and treatment programs, and you are not a state of California licensed mental health practitioner, you are required by law to be registered to obtain certification and to be certified within five years of becoming registered. Once our students become alcohol and drug counselors, they are on the front line at recovery centers, turning around lives and saving families. The work they do transforms lives and builds careers. If you ever dreamed of being in the helping field, now is the time!

Classes are limited! The Alcohol and Drug Counselor Certificate Program consists of 11 modules of instruction, plus 45 hours of supervised practicum and minimum of hours of on-site clinical instruction designed around your schedule. Applicants must have completed high school or have a GED.

If the applicant is a recovering substance abuser, two years of continuous sobriety is highly recommended. Click here for more information.

Contact us if you need more information.


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