Egg hunt sims 3

Once you head to the local community garden, Jasmine Holiday will arrive shortly. Interact with Jasmine by selecting any of the brand new interactions available when clicking her. Ask About Egg Hunt — Decorative eggs have been hidden around the world in logs, plants, and other foliage. Collect them all to unlock a special reward. Ask About Growfruit Challenge — Jasmine is looking to gather Growfruit for her personal enjoyment and edification.

Only one starter pack per Sim is granted. Ask for Fertilizer — Special fertilizer received from Jasmine helps evolve plants quicker than normal.

Jasmine is only equipped with three packs of this special fertilizer, so use it wisely! This option will only be available when Sims have 20 or more Growfruit in their inventory. Growfruit is found on trees that are spawned in the wild, or by receiving a Growfruit starter package from Jasmine Holiday. Add to Favorites. Remove Favorite. Recommend It. Report Item. Rec if you liked it, thanks! Add as a Friend. Other Exchange Items by ab :. Seafoam Skies Views Downloads 8 Recommendations.

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So, just had my springtime holiday Easter , and did an egg hunt. Hunted every possible location, and while I find eggs, they're just the special farm eggs Cottage Living , and not a single collectible egg. The issue is hunting for these eggs doesn't complete the tradition. They don't even register, as you don't get the flashing checkmark on the tradition to mark your progress. Everything but Star Wars Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Add Egg Hunt to a holiday 2. Try to hunt eggs on the holiday What happens when the bug occurs?

Sims are gathering CoL colored eggs, not the decorative collectible eggs. Gathering CoL eggs does not satisfy the Egg Hunt tradition. I had 4 different sims hunt for eggs in multiple places and none got a single collectible egg. Finding eggs satisfying the holiday tradition. They used to find one at least every 2nd or 3rd try prior to CoL. After installing CoL. Not sure if the CoL eggs were intended to replace the collectible holiday ones.

I think this event is the only way to get them. I wouldn't mind it being a regular egg hunt with the collectible ones being a rarer find, but currently my sims can't ever seem to find them. Was going to make a report, thankfully someone else already did It worked fine before Cottage living. Also noticed the "hunted" eggs are now farm eggs, instead of Easter eggs. Nothing happens for me, no matter how many eggs I find. I get this bug too.

I read on the official forums that it's possible to still get the decorative eggs if you hunt them on lots without the chicken coop, but I haven't tried it myself.

I don't work or have any association with EA. Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so. This was happening to me too, nothing but farm eggs. But then I traveled to the park, and hunted for eggs there and it worked. I think if you have a chicken coop on the lot, all you get are farm eggs.


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