Just about everything that drives The Sims 2 is different. The biggest difference is in the Sims themselves. Sure you can still boss them around, leading them to great heights or horrible despair, but now you don't have to. These Sims seem to think for themselves in many ways as they have been given limited memories, desires and fears. They also now have true family connections and the ability to age from birth to death at an old age. As they age and their family grows your Sims change. One of the biggest gameplay changes to The Sims 2 is the aspiration system which is built around a Sims fears and hopes.
If you fulfill a Sims desires they don't age and you gain aspiration points which can be used to purchase items. If enough of their fears come true they go temporarily insane, in a disturbingly realistic manner. The look of the game has also changed pretty drastically. You can now zoom in to watch the 3D Sims interact with each other and the world around them. This new world is swarming with fun little details, like clocks that actually show the time or televisions that have real shows.
The design features for the Sims homes and towns have also been enhanced. Now you can fine tune the look of each Sim, creating virtual reproductions of friends and family and if you marry two people in the game you can have the computer automatically produce a child using genetics. The homes now have a lot more options for architecture and interior design and The Sims 2 even allows you to create your own towns.
You can even import cities from Sims City 4 to live in. The audio has been upgraded as well, though not nearly as much as the rest of the game.
The soundtrack isn't much different from the music of the original Sims, but the Sims language, Simlish, has received some polishing. The Sims 2 is a fantastic answer to the original game, delivering just the right amount of tuning to perfect Will Wright's vision without messing too much with the original formula.
This game will make Sims fans ecstatic and may even attract some new ones with its improved look and sound and easier to maintain population. The Sims 2 came out when I was in college and the girl I was dating at the time now my wife insisted that we got the game day one! The first game was a massive success and many people myself and my wife included were excited to see how they would expand upon the formula.
Well even though this game as I write this is well over a decade old, it holds up very well. Instead The Sims 2 like what came before it has you create the story. This game features some things that make the lives of The Sims feel more real, fulfilled, and just overall better.
While it is not a groundbreaking feature now at the time this was a really big deal. While it has been surpassed why what would follow on from it.
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Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software. Trending from CNET. The Sims 2 Update Free. Update your Sims 2 game. The Sims 2 Nightlife Free. Update The Sims 2 Nightlife to version 1. The Sims 2 University Update Free. Then open 'setup. Follow the instructions and then it will tell you to insert CD2.
Unmount CD1 and then mount CD2 and then it will continue intalling. Then right click your 'sims. Tick, 'run this program in compatibility mode for:' and 'run this program as administartor.
Go to the properties of the application. Second day attempt. I ended up burning the iso's onto DVD. Again, same thing. Finding that strange, checked info showing I have 1. Did compatibility troubleshoot to find out that the application program is an 'Incompatible Application' I am running NT6.