How to edit nk2 file in outlook 2007

This AutoComplete file plays an important part in MS outlook. It stores all the names of the email address to which the email was previously sent. Also, it saves the name of the person to whom the email was sent months back. Plus, it stores all the email messages and their respective addresses from fields like To, Cc, Bcc etc. Its information is stored in the AutoComplete file for helping the user access the older email addresses.

The AutoComplete file is very profile specific; it means if a user has multiple Outlook profiles, there will be only one AutoComplete file for each Outlook profile.

If this happens, you can try to remove individual entries from the list. To do this, see the How to remove AutoComplete list entries one at a time section. If that doesn't resolve the issue, the whole AutoComplete list can be reset. To do this, see the section titled "How to clear the whole AutoComplete list. Because this configuration is untested, we don't recommend it. If you have a larger AutoComplete list, you could also lose a larger number of cached entries if your AutoComplete cache becomes unusable because of corruption.

Given this disclaimer, you can use the following registry data to increase the AutoComplete list limit in Outlook. This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it.

Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry,see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows. Use the appropriate value from the following list. The MaxNickNames registry value merely specifies the nondefault limit.

Therefore, you can also use this value to lower the limit of the nickname cache. Skip to main content. Note: Before you delete the IPM. Autocomplete message, you must export the message by using the steps in the "How to export the Auto-Complete cache" section. In the Subject column, locate the item that has the subject IPM.

Right-click the item, and then click Delete message. This opens the Delete Item window. In the drop-down list, select Permanent deletion deletes to deleted item retention if supported , and then click OK. Locate the. Note: By default, file extensions are hidden in Windows. On the View tab select or clear the Hide extensions for known file types check box.

Copy the file to the new computer. The file is small and can be placed on a removable media such as a USB memory stick.

Mail appears in different Control Panel locations depending on the version of the Microsoft Windows operating system, the Control Panel view selected, and whether a or bit operating system or version of Outlook is installed. The easiest way to locate Mail is to open Control Panel in Windows, and then in the Search box at the top of window, type Mail. Note: The Mail icon appears after Outlook starts for the first time. Make a note of the name of the profile.

You will need to change the. Copy the. This package contains a third executable named nk2edit. Both executables bit and bit share the same configuration file nk2edit. When clicking the header of the domain column, the list is first sorted by the domain, and then by the email address.

You can use it to automatically export the AutoComplete data to the message store of Outlook, On Outlook or greater. For example: NK2Edit. Added 'Linked To Profile' column. If the value under this column is Yes, it means that the record is linked to a contact or address book item on your Outlook profile, and it'll stop working if you copy this record into another Outlook profile.

You can use it to delete all records with specific 'Display Type' value. For example, to delete all non-private distribution lists: if DisplayType Equal 1 delete Version 2. This option allows you to open the selected email address in Outlook. If this email address has an enrty inside the address books of your Outlook profile, this address book entry will be displayed. Otherwise, Outlook will open a simple dialog-box with the display name and email address. Fixed issue: Dialog-boxes opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.

Outlook maintains 2 copies of the AutoComplete data. This option allows you to copy the local AutoComplete. This column is only valid for SMTP records. Be aware that if the 'Sending Format' is Outlook Rich Text, the recipient that receives the message will get winmail. Added 'Change Sending Format To Be aware that this action overwrites all the existing AutoComplete records with the records of the specified nk2 file.

By default, when you specify a filename without a path For example: NK2Edit. In most cases, the current directory is where the. Version 1. For example: nk2edit. In the AutoComplete drop-down of Outlook, NK2 recipient with higher weight value is displayed above all other recipients with lower weight value. So if you set the weight value of important emails to very high number, these emails will be displayed in the top of the AutoComplete list, above all other emails. Example for a script line that sets a new weight value: if Email Contain " mydomain.

It allows you to create a script with parameters, and load the parameters from tab-delimited or comma-delimited file csv.


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