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The service is currently used across several laboratories around the world for automation experiments involving AI, where robots can learn in real-time, based on feedback from IBM RXN and wet-lab experiments. Humans and machines coming together to discover — that is powerful.

The Retrosynthetic Pathways predictor accounts for all the relevant aspects examined by humans when designing a Retrosynthesis. Our models for Chemical Reaction and Retrosynthesis prediction are trained on a set of 2. In automatic mode, you can simply draw your molecule setting some constraints on the budget, and IBM RXN for Chemistry will explore with its models the chemical space to recommends full synthesis routes. The system helps you on a daily basis and speeds up the process of discovering new materials.

RoboRXN is cloud-native by design, transforming any device connected to internet into your smart chemical laboratory. Are you designing molecules and want to test them for synthesizability? The Ketcher editor allows you to design your own chemical structures as well as creating your own library.

Preconfigured libraries of molecules allow you to add reactants and reagents to your Ketcher board with just a few clicks. Create projects and share them with friends or colleagues. Collaborate on complex multi-step reaction syntheses or on novel chemical reaction designs. IBM Research. Save more with a promotional Certificate! Appointments at your convenience. Set up in-branch or phone appointments using our new online scheduling tool.

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