The captured drivers are displayed in the MSI project, so you can edit them manually, if required. Over fifty improvements have been applied to the Live Monitoring technology, so now you can repackage a wider range of installations. The Live Monitoring technology was tested on thousands of different installations to provide you with a quality repackaging solution that can be used successfully for various purposes.
What's New in Version 6 Here you can see information on the latest releases of the program. Version 9. Version 8. Version 7. Version 6. Version 5. To eliminate this limitation monitoring workflow in the Project Wizard was changed. Now, by default, you can manage capturing directly and proceed to MSI package generation if you sure that monitored activity is complete. Now you can configure a custom icon for generated MSI package. In previous versions filters was one of important, but rarely used features.
To make the purpose of two different types of filters clearer, they were renamed to Monitoring and Uninstall filters. Also you can find detailed information about filters and their use cases on the configuration dialog. New options were added to MSI generation dialog. Now you can choose if generated MSI package will be installed to current user or to all users profiles. These options have influence on shortcuts, Start menu and other resources, that should be installed to users profiles.
It means that you need to enter them only first time during MSI generation. On the next generation they will be set to previously entered values. A set of permanence control options for file system resources was extended.
Now you can choose Auto option to set permanence flag for resource according with configured permanence filters, or choose Manual option to set or remove permanence flag unconditionally. File and folder creation dialogs were improved to allow configuration of file system attributes Read Only, Hidden, System and Compressed when resource is added to the the installation. Service dialog was improved to split service configuration options and installation actions.
Now service actions, located at bottom, are always visible regardless what configuration tab is active. New icons applied to trees and toolbars helps better perception of displayed data and available actions. The overall interface became clear. Most time-consuming operations, such as project opening, were optimized. For large projects performance was increased in few times.
Now at the first launch, the path to projects storage is prompted to enter. You can select where project settings and monitoring results will be stored. It's recommended to specify a shortest path as possible to avoid problems with too long file names of file system resources during MSI creation. This requirement caused by limitation for the path length of file system resources. For each file system resource its path length, including projects storage path, shouldn't be more than symbols.
Enterprise Edition now includes visual interface for services management. Using this interface you can define services installation settings. It means that these standard MSI features are preserved during decompilation and can be included into generated MSI without any change, to keep similarity with original MSI.
This feature allows to create customs MSI packages for original installations, which include steps to install services. At the current moment services support works in automatic mode only. It means that during monitoring and decompilation services installation actions are detected and correspondent information is stored in the MSI Package Builder project and later used for generation of MSI package. In the current version information about services isn't exposed in UI and there are no actions for manual services management.
Combine installs into one MSI package and apply custom pre- and post-installation changes with only a few clicks. Get ready for a remote deployment by creating silent MSI packages. All installations have preconfigured settings and can be deployed locally or remotely in a silent mode with no user interaction. You can repackage an installation and monitor the installation changes on the local machine, or use existing virtual machines for monitoring.
The captured changes are used by the program to generate a package. To use the main features of the program, you can run commands provided by the command-line interface. The program allows you to perform monitoring on the local machine to capture changes and to generate packages in different formats.
Latest release: Version 9. Download Program. How monitoring works When monitoring is enabled, the application detects the file system and registry changes undertaken on a PC and uses them to build an MSI. Compare Features and Select the Edition The program is available in three editions with the different set of the features. Professional Edition. Licensing Options. Enterprise Edition.