Enabling process performance counters windows 7

Click OK and Next. Choose the location where the performance counters output will be saved. Once the Data Set collector is created, go back to the performance monitor main window and double click on the performance counter name. Change the log format to ' Comma or Tab' separated in the Performance Counters tab. Log in to post to this feed. Menu Menu. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. Log in to vote. Sometimes services, processes, and applications encounter problems and the chapter considers how you can deal with them.

Sometimes the tools provided by the operating system are not exactly what you require, and the chapter looks at how you can create standard scripts to address any problems you encounter without requiring a high level of programming expertise. You need to manage and configure services, configure page files and memory cache, configure services, manage processes, configure your desktop, and, if necessary, change your boot environment.

The chapter discusses all these requirements. To complete the exercises in the practices in this chapter, you need to have done the following:. If you have two physical computers that are not otherwise on the same network, you need to connect their Ethernet ports with a crossover cable or by using an Ethernet switch. You need a universal serial bus USB flash memory device with at least MB usable free space, or a second internal or external hard disk.

With virtualization, they are fewer than ever before. If you set the performance counter sample interval property as shown in the following screenshot to anything different, the reported value will be incorrect. To fix this, you can set the following registry key to match the interval in milliseconds that you want to use.

For example, if we change Sample every x seconds to 5 seconds, we need to set this key to ms. If you're using Windows 10, version or later or Windows Server or later, you don't need to set LagCounterInterval to fix the performance counter. Some processes will show up with their session set as "?. Monitoring tools can consume this counter by Using Performance Counters. You can submit feedback for this feature through the Feedback Hub.

Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Is this page helpful? Please rate your experience Yes No. Any additional feedback? Note If you're using Windows 10, version or later or Windows Server or later, you won't need to enable the registry key. Note Not all processes are included.


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