Any person that has held a current license within the last 12 months does not need to re-take the mastery exam. Note: If an applicant desires to take the examination as a paper test, he or she must submit a written request to the attention of the Executive Secretary of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, detailing the exact reasons why the applicant is unable to take the online examination. The Executive Secretary will grant the request only upon a showing of good cause.
Note: If an applicant desires to take the examination at the offices of the Auto Industry Division, he or she must submit a written request to the attention of the Executive Secretary of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, detailing the exact reasons why the applicant is unable to take the examination administered by either a dealership or by an approved third-party administrator.
The examination will "time-out" at the end of the allowed time. The computer will not show the specific questions that the applicant missed. The Examination Affidavit is part of the license application requirement and this signed form, filled out completely, must be submitted as part of the overall application. The Mastery Examination is a test of your personal knowledge and understanding of applicable laws and regulations.
The links below take you to documents containing all of the applicable laws and regulations. When you click on the links, you will see that some of the text is highlighted.
You are expected to know and understand all portions of the applicable laws and regulations. However, the highlighted text specifically covers what you must know in order to have the minimum level of competency required for the license you seek. If the application is approved, a permanent license will be issued. If the application is denied, a Notice of Denial is issued and the applicant must immediately cease selling motor vehicles upon receipt of the Board Order.
When a motor vehicle salesperson license is issued, it is valid for one year following the month of issuance. For example, if a motor vehicle salesperson license is issued on September 5th, the license is valid for one year and expires on September 30th of the following year.
The license is mailed to the employing dealer. The dealer will post the license at their place of business. In Colorado salespeople are required to be licensed to a Motor Vehicle Dealer. This application is listed in the instructions below. Salesperson Application Information DR - Checklist - This document is provided to assist you with the application process.
The Auto Industry in Colorado is one of the most scrutinized industries in the state. The citizens of Colorado expect the industry to be trustworthy and free from corruption. There are several critical issues that you, as the applicant, must accomplish within the application process. They are:. Being a licensee in this state with the Auto Industry Division can be a wonderful and rewarding profession.
We look forward to your application and working with you to make your chosen profession successful! This is an open book exam. The Mastery Exam will be administered to the applicant by the hiring Dealer or one of the approved third party providers. There is no fee to take the exam. The examination affidavit must accompany the completed license application.
The Master Exam page contains details on this examination. The AID office is required by law to send renewal information to all dealers 30 days prior to their salespeople licenses expiring; however, salesperson licenses are required to be renewed whether or not the dealer receives this information or not. If a dealer does not receive renewal information the salesperson must fill out a new salesperson application, check the box that it is a renewal, and provide all required documents.
A Salesperson's license number is kept and re-issued to that salesperson whenever they have an active license. You will not be assigned a new license number. The license number that you are assigned is yours for a lifetime.
No, an additional license is not necessary, however, you will need a bond rider that covers both the sale of Motor Vehicles and Powersports. If you have transferred to another dealership you will need to provide the lower portion of the DR License the actual license which is labeled "Change of Employer Notification" to the Auto Industry Office.
In Colorado salespeople must be employed by a licensed Colorado motor vehicle dealer. Contact the Dealer that is conducting the Sales Event or go here for more information. Included with your notice of denial you should have received an information packet which explains your rights. To do this you will need to fill out a new application providing all appropriate information.
You will need a new bond and you will need to pay the fee for an original salesperson application. Note: If you have requested a hearing, the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board will table any new applications until there is a resolution to the appeals process. This means in effect that you will need to choose to reapply or exercise your due process right. All correspondence related to your denial will be handled through the mail. If your address changes during the course of your appeal, make sure you inform the Division in writing so you receive all appropriate correspondence.
At any time within that 60 day period, you can appeal the denial and request a hearing. You may use the request form included in the information packet to request a hearing.
You can hand deliver the hearing request to the AID office. The Division suggests you get a date stamped copy of the hearing request from the receptionist and mail it to P. Box , Denver, CO the Division suggests you send it by certified mail with a return receipt for your records , or fax it to the Division suggests you keep a fax transmission report showing the date and time the hearings request was successfully received by the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board.
After the Division has received your request for a hearing, a hearing will be scheduled days in advance. You will be notified by mail of the date, time, and location of the hearing. If you do not receive any correspondence related to your hearing within 30 days of your request for a hearing, contact the Auto Industry Division, , to find out why. You may be represented by an attorney at your expense or you may appear without representation.
The Attorney General will provide witnesses and evidence to prove the denial was appropriate and should be upheld. All licenses expire on the date printed on the license next to "expires", except in cases where a license is denied, revoked or suspended.
In these cases the Colorado Motor Vehicle Dealer Board order will clearly state when the license is not valid. A grace period is the period of time that a license holder may renew their license rather than reapply for their license. If your license has expired and so has the grace period, you will need to re-apply. This requires a new application and bond. See the respective licensing page for more details on how to apply for license.