Hundreds of Ratings. Our students in the After School program have loved participating in esports. Each week they looked forward to practicing with their Rocket League coach and playing games against the other schools.
During the program, the students were engaged, learned new skills, and had a blast! Thanks for providing this awesome program Concorde Education! Learn More. Campus Select a location Area Select a program area Program Select a program Have an Associate Degree in Healthcare?
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Candidates who enter the Teacher Education Program, and graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Education, may seek certification in the following areas:. Welcome to the Department of Education Graduate Program, dedicated to professional preparation and advancement. The mission of the Professional Education Unit for Teacher Education at Concord University is to prepare professional educators who are informed and thoughtful decision-makers capable of teaching a wide array of students and specializations in culturally diverse settings.
The Professional Education Unit strives to provide all teacher candidates the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective teachers by offering the highest quality instruction and programs utilizing all available resources efficiently and effectively. The Graduate Program strives to further develop and enhance the knowledge base of the practicing professional. As individuals progress though the graduate curriculum, the improvement and refinement of professional knowledge bases, reflective analysis of practice, and judgment making capabilities are enhanced and refined.
In the summer of Concord was granted approval for the offering of graduate courses on a limited basis. Full approval of the graduate program was granted in August, The development of a graduate program was in alignment with the overall mission to serve southern West Virginia and to provide a quality program for the practicing professionals in the region.
For more information on these programs, please reference the link below. Candidates are required to complete Clinical Experiences in PreK-Adult Partner Schools located in counties that are part of Concord University's service area, as well as required seminars offered at the University.
Teacher Candidates are required to meet all special requirements set forth by each individual county's Board of Education if applicable. The superintendent, or legal representatives of these agencies or schools, and the representative of the University shall have the authority, after consultation, to reject placement or terminate the participation of any candidate who fails to meet the professional standards of the cooperating school, agency, or the University.
During student teaching, the reports of the supervising teacher s and the recommendation s of the University Supervisor are essential components in determining the eligibility for graduation and recommendation for licensure. Concord University is involved in a collaborative with local public schools. The Partner Schools are designed to prepare future educators, to provide current educators with ongoing professional development, to encourage joint school-university faculty investigation of education-related issues, and to promote the learning of P students.
The Partner Schools, structured as a network that includes University and public school faculty, parents, and community partners, seek to improve teacher education and meet professional development needs and goals as identified by public school faculty. The Partner Schools serve as clinical sites for teacher candidates to teach under the guidance of an expert mentor teacher.
The clinical experiences allow faculty from Concord and the partnerships to collaborate extensively in providing quality experiences for all teacher candidates involved in the initiative. The public schools benefit from the expertise of the University faculty and the significant contributions the teacher candidates make to the school. The children in these schools benefit from the additional adult attention as well as from the enthusiasm and new learning strategies that teacher candidates often bring to the classroom as they prepare to become teachers.
If you intend to practice outside of West Virginia, please check with the appropriate state licensing body. Requirements for licensure vary from one profession to another and from state to state. Students seeking licensure in another state are advised to contact the appropriate licensing board in that state to determine specific requirements or guidelines for reciprocity as we are unable to determine if the program meets requirements for licensure in other U.
For a list of the state departments of education that oversee professional teaching licensure, see the U. Department of Education website - State Contacts page. Many of those programs are nationally accredited.
Let Dr. Liptak and the College of Professional Studies faculty help you achieve your goals. Search for:.