Read the whole story. Brilliant, it didnt take them long did it You couldn't make a more incorrect statement. First, the activation process these days is just a deterrent. Price of software has never stopped anyone from working to crack it. Price means nothing. It doesn't matter what they do to try to eliminate people from creating work arounds for activation, there will always be some out there who will break whatever new security measures are implemented.
I agree with the previous post, charge less would be a better place to start, considering the success of 7 in comparison to Vista. Pricing is a really weak argument for hacking in this case. I mean, you're talking about an OS that you're going to be using arguably for the next years, just like Windows XP. And for a hundred bucks? PS3 and XBox games cost damn near that much. People crack and steal because they can do it with anonymity. Not because of pricing - that's just one of the many weak excuses thief's use to justify their stealing.
Who is stealing. Copyright infringhment is NOT stealing.. You make a copy, Hehe , you gotta hand it to hackers , they are awesome! But seriously why don't people hire hackers? It would be better They see all the flaws. There is a much better crack, that makes your Win7 completely legit with working legit OEM keys. In third world countries the price of windows is very expensive, considering that the average salary is very low compared with the average salary of the middle class in Europe or USA, so piracy in these countries is much more "justified".
Hakimin says:. November 28, at AM. December 5, at AM. December 17, at AM. Gautam Tak says:. Share your Experience!!! Cancel reply Enter your comment here Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment:.
Email required Address never made public. Name required. How to use indian rupee symbol. About Me!!! Source: mydigitallife. The hack 'activates' Windows 7 by bypassing the product key. By causing activation to be circumvented -- by blocking, preventing, removing and disabling access to or the loading of the activation and licensing related system files -- it makes Windows think that it doesn't need to be activated anymore.
More information can be found in this article from My Digital Life, which notes: as cracks based on the removal of activation components involve patching, changes and modification to many system files, it's likely to be easily detected and nullified by Microsoft. Cracks should never be used on a system you intend to use continually. If you plan to use Windows 7 longer than 30 days, you should purchase a license.
It issued another update in February to block another crack that affected Vista Ultimate. The post on My Digital Life acknowledged that Microsoft might take the same tack with the Windows 7 workarounds. Here are the latest Insider stories.
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