Hammer and sickle velcro patch

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We will replace or refund the item. You can return any item for any reason whatsoever, even if you have just changed your mind, within 14 days of receipt of the order. For more information on returning products, and how to do it please visit our Returns Policy Page. Comrades, the Soviet Union and communism are dead - but not in your hearts!

Doing a Cold War era Russian loadout? This patch might be for you. Show your contempt for the Western capitalists of NATO with this Velcro patch, which features the instantly recognisable symbol of international communism, the Hammer and Sickle resplendant on the socialist Red Star. The icon was used on the original Red Army of , and saw widespread use in the Soviet Army, right upto its disbanding in - making this patch useful in any number of Russian or Eastern Bloc loadouts.

These particular BBs are standard 0. Whether you're new to Airsoft, or a regular skirmisher, this weight of BB will most likely be your go-to BB weight, and is the most commonly used by Airsoft players. A very popular selling gas especially during summer and in countries that have a warm climate. This gas really is a low power gas. It has a high silicone content, so you will need to clean your GBB Airsoft weapon more frequently to ensure longevity. Stocked and used by our Patrol Base workshop and other staff members for years, each can has ml of contents and can be used to reduce output power of a hot gas gun, or ensure smooth silky operation of a Polymer slided pistol.

Abbey Predator Ultra GAS is the perfect propellant for any gas weapon from pistols to high tech sniper rifles. The internal LiPo battery can last for up to 22, shots, and can keep up with up to 35 BBs per second for maximum performance. A must have piece of kit for any Airsoft player or enthusiast.

The kit comes with everything you need to keep your GBB and AEG weapons in top condition, giving you an edge over your opponents. A high performance gas, designed to operate at lower temperatures between 3c - 20c allowing to use your weapon all year round.


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